
H.B. Fuller Company


+ Video
+ Creative Strategy
+ Brand Strategy
+ Motion Graphics

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H.B. Fuller Company

H.B. Fuller, a global leader in advanced adhesive solutions for well over 100 years, announced the launch of an inaugural Customer Innovation Awards in 2024, to recognize the groundbreaking adhesive technologies of their customers. FGI was commissioned to create the video for the first ceremony, along with various digital assets across different platforms to support the campaign.

Our design approach utilizes dynamic animations that introduce each winner’s business and highlights their innovative work over a large and diverse number of industries. Through carefully crafted photographic montages, we feature specific products while paying tribute to the winners' achievements. The overall tone and animated graphic content of the companies showcased exemplify quality and expertise, with bold typography strategically placed to underscore H.B. Fuller's dynamism.

Our creative and visual goal for the H.B. Fuller video was to support the company’s commitment to sustainability, ingenuity and new ideas that bring together people, products, and processes that answer and solve some of the world’s biggest challenges while meeting the evolving needs and trends of their customers.


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